القائمة الرئيسية


To: UN assistance Mission In Somalia (UNISOM)
UN General Secretary Special Representative For Somalia Nicholas Key

To: United Nations Development Fund for Woman( UNIFEM)

CC:UN Agencies- OCHA, UNDP, UNICEF, Nairobi/ Kenya

To Whom it May concern

Date: 04 /01 / 2014

Re: Condemnation and right Claim

We, the elders, women's associations, youngsters and intellectual of Bargal district strongly condemn the injustice that occurred to Mrs. Muhubo Isman Guled who was nominated as deputy in Puntland Parliament from Baragl District.

We also condemn the intervention and support of the current puntland's government in re-election of 15 years former member of parliament Mr. salad Hared Ali.

We also ask an urgent investigation into to the violation that have occurred in the process of re-election of Mr. Salad Hared and politicization that obtained.

We supported and still support Mrs. Muhubo Isman Guled to be our member of Puntland's Parliament, beyond a doubt, Muhubo Is the most qualified person to represent Bargal District, A former government official, Businesswoman, and politician.

Muhubo exemplifies honesty, fairness, and thoughtfulness.Muhubo will use those qualities to create a better balance between her constituencies in particular and puntland state in general.

During her campaigning she toured all villages in Bargal District, to seek Support And see personally the problems facing inhabitants of that area, She showed respect thoughtfulness and sympathy to their cause and promised to fight for their behalf.

We sincerely Hope that you take your contribution for returning our right to choose who represent us.

Baargaal District Elders & intellectuals
Baargaal-Puntland State