Baro English
Waxaan halkaan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa casharro kooban oo ku saabsan barashada afka Ingiriisiga, taas oo aan rajaynayno inay dabooli doonto baahi badan oo loo qabo luqada afkingiriiska.
Casharradaan waxaan ugu tala galnay qof walba oo xiisaynaya, inuu wax ka ogaado qaabka Academic writing. Waxaanu ka billaabi doonnaa qaybta ugu horreesa, sida oraahda(Sentence) loo dhiso iyo noocyadeeda..
Qaybta labaadna waxaannu ku soo qaadan doonnaa qaabdhismeedka Tuduc (Paragraph) iyo noocyadeeda. Qaybta saddeexaadna waxay ku saabsanaan doontaa Qaabdhismeedka Tuduc (Short Composition) iyo noocyaddeeda. Casharkeenna ugu danbeeya wuxuu noqon doonaa qaabdhismeedka Curis (Essay) iyo wixii la xiriira insha Allaah.
- 1. Qaabdhismeedka Sentence :
- Simple Sentence
- Compound sentence
c Fragment
- Run-on Sentence
- Complex Sentence
- 2. Qaabdhismeedka Paragraph:
- Paragraph Title
- One main idea
- Topic Sentence
- Support Sentence
- Concluding Sentence
- Transition Signals
- 3. Qaabdhismeedka Tuduc(Short Composition)
- a. Hordhac (Introduction)
- b. Baaxad (Body)
- c. Gunaanad (Conclusion)
Casharka koowaad
Luqada Englishka waxay ka kooban tahay 26 xarfood oo ka billawda (A,B,C,D,E) kuna dhamaada X,Y, Z.
Xarfahaas waxaa loo qaybiyaa laba nooc oo kala ah shaqallo (vowels) iyo shibbanayaal (consonants).
5 vowels: a, e, i, o, u
21 consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z
Xaraf kaligiis ah macno ma sameeyo, laakiin markii xarfo badan la isku geeyo ama la isku daro waxay sameeyaan erayo (words) macno leh sida house, car, Friday, apple, students, Hi, love iwm.
Erayo badan oo la isku geyana waxay sameeyaan weero ama oraaho (sentences),
weeroo badan oo la isu geeyaana waxay noqdaan jumlad (Paragraph),
weero badan oo la isku geeyeyna waxay sameeyaan Tuduc. Tuduc gaareysa 2 ilaa 7 weerood waxay noqdaan Curis (essay). Curisyo (essays) badan oo la isku darayna waxay noqdaan cutub (chapter).
Insha Allaah haddii Ilaah noo fududeeyo waxaan isku dayi doonnaa inaan gaarsinno ilaa iyo curis. Halkaan waxaan hadda ka galeynaa casharkeenna ugu horreeya ee weero sentence iyo noocyadiiisa.
Sentencegu, wuxuu ka koobmaa afar nooc (Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, exclamative ), laakiin midka ugu muhiimsan oo aan maalin walba ku hadalno ama qorno waa declarative (qoraalka jaamaacadahana asaga oo kaliya ayaa la isticmalaa, sidaas daraaddeed asaga ayaan xoogga saari doonaa ).
Waa maxay Sentence?
Sentence waa hadal dhameystiran oo macno bixinaya ujeeddana leh, waxaa oraahda, sentence sax ah la dhihi karaa markiii laga helo:
3-Capital letter
4- Period or question mark or exclamation mark mid ka mid ah inuu ku dhammaado.
Shardiga koowaad waa Subject:
In English every sentence must have a Subject
Subject waa falaha(yeelaha) ama sameeyaha falka.. Badanaa wuxuu noqdaa laba nooc,Magac Noun ama Magac uyaal Pronoun
Bashiir builds houses.
Xasan drives a taxi.
Burhan reads a book.
Najiib is a good student.
Diiriye hates the morning.
Shaacir misses his family.
Omar has a nice car.
Saadiq is happy.
Caasho likes the afternoons the best.
Bashiir, Xassan iyo Burhan iwm Waa Noun Subject oo shaqsiyaad magacyadooda ah
Pronoun waa magacuyaal sida aniga adiga ayada iwm
Pronoun wuxuu galaa booska Noun-ka oo subject ayuu noqon karaa
Sida Adam is from Brazil. (Adam waa qof magaciis marka waa Noun)
He speaks Portuguese. (He waa magac uyaalka Adam markaa waa Pronoun)
I drink tea.
You save my live.
He went fishing.
She looks tired.
It is hot today.
We speak three languages fluently.
They arrived early.
Fiiro gaar ah: It afsoomaliga malaha laakiin luuqada Englishka waa muhiiim waxaana loo isticmaalaa sheyaal(things) sida maalmaha,xilliyada hawada, kuraasta, iwm, sida:
It is nine o’clock (09:00).
It is Friday.
It is September 25.
It is warm and sunny.
Qoraalkan akhri intii subject ah oo noun ah meel gaar ah ku qor intii pronoun ahna meel gaar ah ku qor. Fiiri tusaalahaan.
Our teacher name is Amina.
My first language is Somali.
He rides the bus.
I hope you can come tomorrow
My roommate has a cell phone.
She eats fish.
My friend has a computer.
She is a student.
They go to mosque.
Mr Ibrahim speaks English.
We go to the mall on Saturdays.
My friends watch soccer on TV.
Chocolate tastes good.
Jini plays the guitar.
Jane listens to music
The teacher rides the horses.
He is from Mexico.
She works part-time.
They leave messages.
You and I need to work together.
We are partners.
Feisal likes nights.
She thinks smart.
1 Chocolate tastes good
2 The sun sets in the evening.
1 It is important to me.
2 They go to mosque.
In English every sentence must have a Subject and Verb.
Shardiga labaad2:
Shardiga labaad ee sentence walba uu u baahan yahay waa
Ficil ama fal (Verb) tusaale: bring, read, run, learn, eat, sleep, talk, walk, do, and buy, dhammaantood waa ficil ama fal.
I have a cell phone.
I make a lot of phone calls.
My friends call me, too.
Sometimes they leave messages.
It is very important to me.
Burhan reads a book.
Burhan is happy.
She went fishing.
I listen to my messages.
My phone takes pictures.
We talk a lot.
Kasoo saar wixii ficil ama fal (verb) ah oo ku jira sentence-kaan
Fiiri tusaalayaasha ugu horeeya.
Gadaale gets up early in the morning for his shop.
Husein and his friends play football in the afternoon.
Sh.Ahmed goes to library and starts to study.
Tennis is their favourite Sport.
3 He lost his car key
4 Day and night, he is good friend to me.
5 He keeps me company.
6 I think about my future.
7 Two new students arrived early.
The children took the train to London.
My dad takes me to school on Mondays.
Sara’s sisters took us bowling yesterday.
Shardiga saddexaad
Shardiga saddexaad ee sentence-ku u baahan yahay waa inuu xarafweyn (capital letter) ku billawdaa sida : He has a car. Somalia is a rich country.
Shardiga afaraad
Shardiga ugu danbeeya ee uu sentence-ku u baahan yahay waa period (Joogsi) “Period” ama full stop waxay ka dhigan yihiin in oraahdaasu dhan tahay sida. This is a short sentence.
Isku day, labadaaan sadar ee soo socota(line) inaad geliso joogsiyada(full stop) ka maqan iyo xarafka u baahan in la weyneeyo (Capital)..
I would like to introduce my self my name is sharmarke i am from somalia I speak arabic I am married i live with my wife I want to study computers
Erayga ah eek or ku qoran wuxuu la macno yahay weydiin waxaa loo isticmaalaa su’aal weydiis.Su’aashaan waxay noqon kartaa mid looga jawaabo:- maya ama haah (yes/no ) iyo mid u baahan sharraxaad sida:
What happened?
What is your first name?
Where do you work?
Where do you meet your friends?
Who is the money for?
Who are you phoning?
Kuwaan soo socda waxaa ku filan yes ama no.
Did you receive my message?
Is this your book?
Have you found a new job yet?
Do you want tea, or coffee?
waxaa loo isticmaalaa amar ama codsi sida:
Go to your room.(amar)
Stop jumping on the bed. (amar)
Please lend me your book. (codsi)
Please turn off the television.(codsi)
waxaa loo isticmaalaa la yaab ama dareen xoog leh.
I have been an idiot!
How wonderful you look!
What a stupid man he is!
What a surprise!
I am so upset!
I hate you!
Casharka Labaad Compound sentence
Compound = sentence + sentence.
Casharkan wuxuu si toos ah ugu xiran yahay casharkii hore ee ahaa simple sentence. . Casharkaan wuxuu ku saabsan yahay sida loo sameeyo labo sentence. Tusaale,
I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to drink.
Simple sentence simple sentence
Haddii aad doonaysid labo sentence inaad isku xirtid, waxaad u baahan tahay inaad isticmaasho xiriirin “Coordinate conjunctions” connecting words (And, but, or, and so).
Kuwaas oo ah xarfo kuu suurtagelinaya inaad isku xirtid labo sentence oo isleh ama isla eg, si ay u noqdaan labo oraahood oo la xiriiriyey “Compound sentence”.
Haddii aan soo qaadano iugeyn labo oraahood sida xiriiriye “AND” waxaa la isticmaalaa marka aad macluumad cusub ku daraysid oo aan diidmo ahayn (positive).
Sh.Axmed and C.Raxman go to library. They study for three hours.
Independent clause independent clause
“Independent clause” waa sentence mid walba iskiis u istaagi karo.
Haddii aad rabtid inaad isku xirtid labo “independent clause” isticmaal
“Coordinate conjunction” (and, but, or, so)
Sh.Axmed and C.Raxman go to library, and they study for three hours.
I want to have my own company. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.
Independence clause Independence clause
I want to have my own company and I want to pay all my workers a lot of
Or” waxaa loo isticmaala markii laba shay aad kala dooran kartid sida tusaalahaan hoos ku qoran.
In the afternoon, I clean my room. I read a book.
Independence clause Independence clause
In the afternoon, I clean my room or I read a book.
You can sit at the front. You can stand at the back. I don’t mind.
Independence clause Independence clause
You can sit at the front or you can stand at the back. I don’t mind.
“So” waxaa loo isticmaalaa natiijo. Tusaale: Shaqadii guriga ma samaynin, markaa natiijadii waxay noqotay ciqaaab.
Tusaale-: I don’t go to school. I get up late in the morning.
Independence clause independence clause
I don’t go to school, so I get up late in the morning.
I wanted to buy a house. I started to save my money.
Independence clause Independence clause
I wanted to buy a house, so I started to save my money.
I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me.
Independence clause Independence clause
I didn’t do my homework, so my parents punished me.
AbdulPakistani misses his family. He calls them every weekend.
Independence clause Independence clause
AbdulPakistani misses his family, so he calls them every weekend.
“But” waxay u dhigantaa laakiin wuxuuna kuu sheegaa labo shay oo iska soo horjeeda. Tusaale:
I had a terrible cold last week. I still went to work.
Independence clause Independence clause
I had a terrible cold last week, but I still went to work.
I need to go to the store. I am feeling too sick to drive.
Independence clause Independence clause
I need to go to the store, but I am feeling too sick to drive.
I like tea. I don’t like coffee
Independence clause independence clause
I like tea, but I don’t like coffee
I was scared. I didn’t run away.
Independence clause Independence clause
I was scared, but I didn’t run away.
I need to get more sleep. My employer gives me too many late hours.
Independent clause independent clause
I need to get more sleep. But my employer gives me too many late hours.
Coordinate conjunction ayagoo dhan waa todoba (7) laakiin afartaan hoos ku qoran ayaa aad loo isticmaalaa (and, or, but and so)
Leyliska -1:
: isku dar labadaan sentence si ay u noqdaan “compound sentence” adigoo isticmaalaya coordinate conjunctions (and,or,but and so)
1. Cadceed is a bus driver, (but/and) he works in Queens Cresent.
2. He works in the city; (or/but) he does not live in the city.
3. He is nice and friendly, (and/so) his passengers and co-workers like him.
4. It was a beautiful place; (so/but) I was happy there.
5 Hassan did not study for the test, (but/so) he got a good grade.
6 The shoes did not fit right; (but/so) I did not buy them.
7 I like to stay up late to watch old movies on TV; (and/but) my husband likes to go to bed early.
8 Caamir washes cars on Saturday,(and/but)he delivers pizzas on Sunday.
9 Feysal loves art, (so/and) he goes to the museum every Saturday.
10 My friend’s son picked up the phone, (but/and)he called 911
12 It was just a child’s mistake, (and /but) I had to pay a £50 fine.
I learned a lesson, (so/and) the children did, too.
Leyliska -2:
Waa Sheeko gaaban waxaa loo qoray ” simple sentence” waxaa lagaa rabaa inaad ka dhigto “compound sentence”
(1)Saturday is my favourite day. (2) I don’t go to school. (3) I get up late in the morning. (4) First, I call my mother. (5) We talk about my life. (7) My sister cooks us breakfast. (8) I don’t hate cooking. (9) My sister is a better cook than I. (10) after breakfast, I go shopping. (11) I like shopping. (12) I usually buy some clothes. (13) In the afternoon, I meet my brother. (14) We go to interesting places such as Regent Park Mosque and Finsbury Park. (15) I don’t know my way in Regent Park. (16) He guides me. (17) I like walking. (18) We talk together and talk to each other. (19) Later, we eat dinner at a restaurant. (20) He takes me home. (21) Sometimes we watch a video. (22) Other times we watch an old movie on TV. (23) Then, he goes home. (24) I get ready for bed and talk to my sister about the day. (25) I usually very tired. (26) I go to sleep quickly. () Then, my night of dreams begins.
Fragment “means broken piece” waxaa laga wadaa sentence-ka aan lahayn subject ama Verb. Fragment saddex ciladood ayuu lahaan karaa.
1. No subject
2. No verb
3. Labadoo la isku daray (no subject and verb).
Tusaalle: Sentence-kaan waa fragment sababtu maxay tahay.?
He short for his age and little fat.
khalad: He short for his age and little fat.
Problem waxa ka maqan waa Verb
Sax: He is short for his age and little fat.
Khalad: Also loves to follow my teenage brother around.
Problem waxaa ka kamaqan subject
Sax He also loves to follow my teenage brother around
Run-on sentence
Run-on waxaa sababa labo sentences oo la isku xiriiriyay adigoon si sax u isticmaalin xarfaha wax isku xiriiriya waa: and,nor,,but ,yet,for,so,or
Fiiri tusaalayaashaan:
1 Run-on My brother’s name is Shuceyb he is sixteen years old.
Problem waxaa ka maqan xarfihii labada sentence isku xiri lahaa.
Sax My brother’s name is Shuceyb, and he is sixteen years old.
2 Run-on I am going to study math, I want to become an engineer.
Problem comma kamid ma aha xarfaha isku xira labo sentence.
Sax I am going to study math and become an engineer.
3 Run-on First, he will wash the clothes, after he will dry them.
Problem after kamid ma aha xarfaha isku xira labo sentence
Sax First, he will wash the clothes, and then he will dry them.
Siddeedaan sentences badankooda waa sax, laakiin numbarka 3, 4, iyo 6 ayaa ah Run-on sentences bal isku day inaad saxdid.
1. In the year 2005, I think my life will be very different.
2. I will be much older I will be middle-age.
3. I am not married now, in 2012 I think I will be married.
4. I hope to get married in a few years,after,I hope we will have children.
5. Now I do not own a house, but I hope to have a nice one in 2015.
6. I am going to finish my education, then I will begin my career.
7. After I begin my career, I am going to work very hard.
8. I hope to have a good job in 2014, so my family can live well.
Casharka Saddaxaad
Casharkaan wuxuu si toos ah ugu xiran yahay casharkii hore, kaasoo aan uga soo hadalnay sidii labo sentence oo kala madaxbannaan “independent clause” la iskugu xiri lahaa ayadoo la isticmaalayo “coordinate conjunctions“.
Haddase waxaan ka hadlaynaa oraah is curjineeysa “complex sentence”.
Complex sentence wuxuu ka koobanay yahay hal sentence oo iskiis u istaagi kara”independent clause” ,sida:
I am going to study.
I go to work everyday.
I went to work yesterday.
I will call you.
iyo hal sentence ama in kabadan aan iskood u istaagi karin “dependent clauses“. A dependent calause iskiis isuma taagi karo, maxaa yeelay, ma aha sentence macnihiisu dhameystiranyahay.
.When I arrive.
Before I go to bed.
After he graduate.
Because it was raining.
When I get home.
If he has time.
sentence-ka haddii uu ku billaawdo mid aan iskiis u istaagi karin sida “because, before, after, when, while, although, since, if” waxaa la isku yiraahdaa “subordinating conjunctions”waxaad ubaahantahay hakad comma, haddii uusan ku bilaabmin subordinating conjunctions” uma baahnid comma..
I am going to study before I go to bed. Ama
Before I go to bed, I am going to study.
He will say good-bye before he leaves. Ama
Before he leaves, he will say good-bye.
We said good-bye before we left.
We need more time to see how things develop before we take action.
Before we take action, we need more time to see how things develop.
Before they start a family, they are going to buy a house.
They are going to wait a few years before they have children.
I must brush up on my Arabic before I go to Hajj.
Before I go to Hajj, I must brush up on my Arabic.
Before: waxaa loo isticmaalaa kahor
I went to Mogadishu after I finished university.
After I finish college, I am going to go to medical school.
I am going to go to medical school after I finish college.
He is going to get a job after he graduates.
C.wahab and Maymuuna are going to get married after they finish school.
After they are married, they are going to hajj trip.
After: waxaa loo isticmaalaa waqti kadib.
When they come back, they are going to find work.
Where were you when I call you?
When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page
I will call you when I arrive.
I hope they will be very happy when they are married.
You can write the report when you want as long as it’s ready by the end of the month.
When: waxaa loo isticmaalaa goor,mar
I lost my job because I was often late.
I like working at home because it is quite.
He doesn’t take the train to work because it is expensive.
Because I work six days a week, I can’t even find time to see my friends.
I will be late today because my car has broken down.
Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.
Because he was ill, he stayed home.
Because iyo since: waxaa loo isticmaalaa saad darted/ maxaa yeelay
Although they didn’t study, they passed the test.
Although I was tired, I couldn’t go to sleep.
Although iyo but: waxaa loo isticmalaa hase ahaatee/inkastoo
If you are worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor.
There are good opportunities for advancement if you have the right skills
If you don’t study, you will fail the test.
I will back you up if they don’t believe you.
If you want to improve, you have to practise.
If you visit my country, you should spend several days in the capital.
If iyo unless: waxaa loo isticmalaa arin macquul noqon karta.
Gaadaale passed the exam first time while I had to retake it three times.
While I don’t approve of what you did, I’m not going to punish you for it.
My neighbours were having a party while I was trying to sleep.
While: waxaa loo isticmaalaa Meeshii/mar.
Qore: Luqman