Urgent Support request for Omayo-yaro Road Project (ORP) in Baargaal District
To: Whom it my Concern
I am chief yusuf salad Abdirahman speaking on behalf of Bargal District Community , kindly asking for All international Organizations, Local NGOs ,Puntland state and federal government of Somalia to support us urgently to continue and complete omayo-yero Road Project (ORP).
Omayo –yaro Road Project (ORP) is a project which is aimed to construct rough road, Which links Bargal To Alule in the shortest way. This road that goes from Bargal To Alule through north west direction seemed as essential as everybody valued in the region –this is why the ORP has been launched by local community.
As an initiator of this fundamental project. I contributed my effort by the means of mobilizing local community, personal labor input and property sacrifice, by this effort this project has been going for a month.
Unfortunately, budget break occurred: despite the fact that mission has not been completed.
So ORP will not start unless some donations are received
Under this condition, I would like to apply for all above mentioned parties to assist us, in order to accomplish this headway project