Once advertised as the most nearly perfect food, milk has been a mainstay of healthy eating for centuries. A cup of warm milk before bedtime has long been a favorite mothers remedy for a good night’s sleep. Milk is nutrient dense, with calcium, vitamins, fiber, often referred to as a meal in itself.
There are those who advise against consuming food before bed, that it can contribute to weight gain and indigestion, resulting in restless night’s sleep. There are new studies that suggest drinking a warm cup of milk, results in a good night’s sleep and even promote weight loss.
More Milk
Milk is produced by mammary glands of mammals and is the primary source of nutrients for newborn mammals. Because it is rich in nutrients milk is good for humans, not only babies but adults and children.
Milk that is consumed by humans is mostly cow’s milk. Camel milk, goat’s milk, , and yes, sheep’s milk are also consumed to name a few. Milk can provide 37% of daily requirements for calcium, for healthy bones.
Good for sleep
Many studies of milk consumption focus on it as a breakfast food, it should be consumed in the morning. Some nutritionists are recommending a warm cup of milk before bed. There is tryptophan, an amino acid known to induce sleep. Milk increases the levels of serotonin, a hormone for good mood, and melatonin, another hormone for good sleep.
Recent studies have shown, milk should be consumed about 3 hours before going to bed. One reason is that milk can cause gas and bloating in some people.
Bedtime Benefits
Better Sleep: A cup of warm milk before going to bed is one way to aid in falling asleep faster and sleeping longer.
Because milk contains both serotonin and melatonin, you will be calm, relaxed in mind and body. Chronic loss of sleep can result in some significant health problems. A cup of warm milk goes a long way in promoting sound restful sleep.
Energy Boost: Studies show a warm cup of milk before bed can charge your body with enough energy for the next day. People who drink milk before bed wake up with improved physical and mental abilities and are mentally prepared to tackle the new day.
Weight Control: Studies have shown that people who drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed can lose weight. When you drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed, your stomach feels full. A person is less apt to wake up because they are hungry.
A word of caution, it might be best to consume non-fat or low-fat milk if you are trying to lose weight. Also, drinking too much milk can result in weight gain, which can adversely affect your health.
Heart Disease And Diabetes: Studies have proven that milk can have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and sid in the prevention of heart disease. The studies have shown that skim milk works best here.
Where diabetes is concerned, studies indicate that older women should drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Milk may decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Milk Summary:
Milk is nearly a complete meal loaded with nutrition and one of the healthiest foods for humans to consume. Milk is best consumed in the morning and before bed. Milk should be brought to a boil and then set aside to cool.
Warm is best, sipped slowly for best results and good night’s sleep. If milk is too hot, it can cause indigestion and could disrupt your sleep. Drinking milk is the best way to stay healthy, stay mentally sharp, and at your best