القائمة الرئيسية


Puntland Ministry of Interior neglects organizing local council sessions in remote Districts


Residents and notables of remote areas in Puntland complain about the Ministry of Interior's ignoring their living conditions and it's refusal to organize and hold periodic local council sessions to hold the members of the local councils accountable.

The residents of these areas described this as a dangerous precedent, destroying the efforts of years of international organizations’ work, which aimed to expand the circle of popular participation in the management of local affairs, to devote the approach of accountability and the rule of law in local administration, and to achieve good governance at the level of local administrations, and to enhance the participation of women and youth in decision-making on the The local level and enabling citizens to participate in setting development priorities at the local level. 

And activating popular control over the work of the local administration
enhancing the participation of people in the local administration specialy Women and youth in decision-making at the local level and enabling citizens to participate in defining development priorities at the local level. 
And activating popular control over the work of the local administration

The local government systems are designed to identify local concerns and to set local priorities. Local authorities act as a system of administration in subdivisions of the state.

The residents and notables of the these areas denounced the officials of the Ministry of Interior ignoring the important and necessary tasks of the local councils as One of the objectives of the local councils is to fill the administrative, organizational and service vacuum and the management of public utilities.
Protect civil peace and prevent attacks on honor and public and private property.

Managing the economic activity in the city or town in all its aspects, ensuring the safety of civilians and their properties, and securing the necessary means for that.
• Protection and management of public institutions in the stage of vacancy and the protection and preservation of public records, especially civil status records, and real estate records ; Contribute to maintaining order, preventing chaos, resolving disputes between citizens and prosecuting perpetrators of crimes; Contribute to meeting the preventive and curative health needs of citizens ; Municipal Affairs and Hygiene and help in the continuation of the work of educational institutions and so on .

Finally, the residents and people of remote areas in the regions of Bari and Gardafuu in the far north-east of Puntland state called on the government and the concerned authorities to stop these actions by officials of the Ministry of the Interior, who do not care about such complaints issued by the people